AS / A Level Computer Science

Candidates should be able to:

Show understanding of the purpose and benefits of networking devices

Notes and guidance


Candidates should be able to:

Show understanding of the characteristics of a LAN (local area network) and a WAN (wide area network)

Notes and guidance


Candidates should be able to:

Explain the client-server and peer-to-peer models of networked computers

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Roles of the different computers within the network and subnetwork models

Benefits and drawbacks of each model

Justify the use of a model for a given situation

Candidates should be able to:

Show understanding of thin-client and thick-client and the differences between them

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Candidates should be able to:

Show understanding of the bus, star, mesh and hybrid topologies

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Understand how packets are transmitted between two hosts for a given topology

Justify the use of a topology for a given situation

Candidates should be able to:

Show understanding of cloud computing 

Notes and guidance

Including the use of public and private clouds

Benefits and drawbacks of cloud computing

Candidates should be able to:

Show understanding of the differences between and implications of the use of wireless and wired networks

Notes and guidance

Describe the characteristics of copper cable, fibre-optic cable, radio waves (including WiFi), microwaves, satellites

Candidates should be able to:

Describe the hardware that is used to support a LAN

Notes and guidance

Including switch, server, Network Interface Card (NIC), Wireless Network Interface Card (WNIC), Wireless Access Points (WAP), cables, bridge, repeater

Candidates should be able to:

Describe the role and function of a router in a network

Notes and guidance


Candidates should be able to:

Show understanding of Ethernet and how collisions are detected and avoided

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Including Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection (CSMA / CD)

Candidates should be able to:

Show understanding of bit streaming 

Notes and guidance

Methods of bit streaming, i.e. real-time and on-demand

Importance of bit rates broadband speed on bit streaming

Candidates should be able to:

Show understanding of the differences between the World Wide Web (WWW) and the internet

Notes and guidance


Candidates should be able to:

Describe the hardware that is used to support the internet

Notes and guidance

Including modems, PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), dedicated lines, cell phone network

Candidates should be able to:

Explain the use of IP addresses in the transmission of data over the internet

Notes and guidance


Candidates should be able to:

Explain how a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is used to locate a resource on the World Wide Web (WWW) and the role of the Domain Name Service (DNS)

Notes and guidance