AS / A Level Computer Science
AS CS 1 - Information Representation
AS CS 1.1 Data Representation
Candidates should be able to:
Show understanding of binary magnitudes and the difference between binary prefixes and decimal prefixes
Notes and guidance
Understand the difference between and use:
kibi and kilo
mebi and mega
gibi and giga
tebi and tera
Candidates should be able to:
Show understanding of different number systems
Notes and guidance
Use the binary, denary, hexadecimal number bases and Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) and one’s and two’s complement representation for binary numbers
Convert an integer value from one number base/ representation to another
Candidates should be able to:
Perform binary addition and subtraction
Notes and guidance
Using positive and negative binary integers
Show understanding of how overflow can occur
Candidates should be able to:
Describe practical applications where Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) and Hexadecimal are used
Notes and guidance
Candidates should be able to:
Show understanding of and be able to represent character data in its internal binary form, depending on the character set used
Notes and guidance
Students are expected to be familiar with ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), extended ASCII and Unicode.
Students will not be expected to memorise any particular character codes